HttpClient and Octokit

If you want to understand more of the internals of how Octokit is using HttpClient, then read on. Otherwise, you should be fine with using the defaults.


A recent feature of the GitHub API is to handle redirects automatically. This means the client needs to handle 30* responses and redirect correctly.

Due to the default behaviour of HttpWebRequest, we need to implement this as a custom handler in HttpClient.

The rules we currently follow:

 - MUST follow redirect requests if HTTP status code is 301, 302, or 307.
 - MUST redirect a 30x status code if the HTTP method is HEAD, OPTIONS, GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, or DELETE.
 - MUST use the original request's HTTP method when following a redirect where the HTTP status code is 307.
 - SHOULD use the original request's HTTP method when following a redirect where the HTTP status code is 301 or 302.
 - MUST use the original request's authentication credentials when following a redirect where the original host matches the redirect host.
 - MUST NOT use the original request's authentication credentials when following a redirect where the original host does not match the redirect host.
 - SHOULD only follow 3 redirects.

Proxy Support

There's some basic support for specify proxy credentials, but this is a work in progress as there's a bunch of internals that need to be refactored thoughtfully.

Here's how you can do it today:

// set your proxy details here
var proxy = new WebProxy(); 

// this is the core connection
var connection = new Connection(new ProductHeaderValue("my-cool-app"),
    new HttpClientAdapter(() => HttpMessageHandlerFactory.CreateDefault(proxy)));

// and pass this connection to your client
var client = new GitHubClient(connection);

And if you're looking for GitHub Enterprise support with a custom proxy, it's currently broken. I've opened an issue to track this, so please chime in if it's something you need to support:

Another request has been for auto-wiring the proxy details at runtime. Please leave a comment in this thread if you're interested in this: